Muhamad Ali Fahmi

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Nama Muhamad Ali Fahmi
Kebangsaan Indonesia Indonesia

Biodata Muhamad Ali Fahmi

Nama saya Muhamad Ali Fahmi. Saat ini sedang mengampu perkuliahan Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Konsentrasi Software Engineering dengan NIM 2122476977.

Profil Lengkap

Nama Lengkap Muhamad Ali Fahmi
NIM 2122476977
Status Mahasiswa Universitas Raharja (Teknik Informatika - Software Engineering)
Agama Islam
Jenis Kelamin Laki-Laki
E-mail [email protected]


Judul Tahun Akademik
KKP 2020/2021
SKRIPSI Perancangan sistem inventory alat pada cabang Olahraga FPTI (Federasi Panjat Tebing Indonesia) Kota Tangerang 2021/2022

Buku, Jurnal, Paper

JURNAL Adoption Computerized Certificate Transparency and Confidentiality

Seminar Internasional

21 Oktober 2017 Next Generation of IoT and Big Data with Artificial Intelligence ( BIG DATA FOR IoT SUPPORT )
22 Oktober 2017 Next Generation of IoT and Big Data with Artificial Intelligence ( IoT CONCEPT PROGRAMMING IMPLEMENTATION )

Seminar Nasional

20 Oktober 2017 Next Generation of IoT and Big Data with Artificial Intelligence ( IoT & MOBILE PROGRAMMING CONCEPT )
23 Oktober 2017 Next Generation of IoT and Big Data with Artificial Intelligence ( IoT PROGRAMMING & ARDUINO - RASPBERRY )


Admin, Muhamad Ali Fahmi