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<div style="font-size: 14pt;font-family: &#39;times new roman&#39;;text-align: center"><p style="line-height: 2"><i>ABSTRACT</i></p></div>
<div style="font-size: 14pt;font-family: &#39;times new roman&#39;;text-align: center"><p style="line-height: 2"><i>ABSTRACT</i></p></div>
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: &#39;times new roman&#39;;text-align: justify"><p style="line-height: 1"><i>Communication and Information Technology or ICT, the Office of Communication and Information or the Office of KOMINFO of Tangerang City is an element implementing government affairs in the field of communication and information technology, coding and statistics, which is led by a Head of Service who is under and responsible to the Mayor through the Regional Secretary. The Regional Apparatus Work Unit or SKPD takes care of various kinds of management and problems related to Information Technology, Datacenter services and internet networks in the central government building environment, including managing service requests for additional subdomains, requests for VPN and FTP / SFTP access for server access, hosting / colocation servers and services. internet network in the central government building of Tangerang City.</i>.</p></div>
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: &#39;times new roman&#39;;text-align: justify"><p style="line-height: 1"><i>Communication and Information Technology or ICT, the Office of Communication and Information or the Office of KOMINFO of Tangerang City is an element implementing government affairs in the field of communication and information technology, coding and statistics, which is led by a Head of Service who is under and responsible to the Mayor through the Regional Secretary. The Regional Apparatus Work Unit or SKPD takes care of various kinds of management and problems related to Information Technology, Datacenter services and internet networks in the central government building environment, including managing service requests for additional subdomains, requests for VPN and FTP / SFTP access for server access, hosting / colocation servers and services. internet network in the central government building of Tangerang City. On the object of research that the authors do, currently do not have an ICT service application that handles the management of request forms and problem reports of datacenter information services and internet networks. Because the existing service department still uses cellphones and uses form sheets on every service request and internet network, which results in data forms and reports not being integrated so that the helpdesk who handles it has various limitations, especially for recording service activities including remainder of certain service information that has run out validity period for SKPD employees as service users. Therefore, the researcher intends to build an information system application for ICT Services based on Customer Relationship Management that can accommodate service requests and employee complaints quickly and also stored. To achieve the above objectives, the researcher plans to build a Web-based application system using the PHP programming language with a codeigniter framework and using the MySql database.</i>.</p></div>
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: &#39;times new roman&#39;;text-align: justify"><p style="line-height: 1"><i>On the object of research that the authors do, currently do not have an ICT service application that handles the management of request forms and problem reports of datacenter information services and internet networks. Because the existing service department still uses cellphones and uses form sheets on every service request and internet network, which results in data forms and reports not being integrated so that the helpdesk who handles it has various limitations, especially for recording service activities including remainder of certain service information that has run out validity period for SKPD employees as service users.</i>.</p></div>
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: &#39;times new roman&#39;;text-align: justify"><p style="line-height: 1"><i>Therefore, the researcher intends to build an information system application for ICT Services based on Customer Relationship Management that can accommodate service requests and employee complaints quickly and also stored. To achieve the above objectives, the researcher plans to build a Web-based application system using the PHP programming language with a codeigniter framework and using the MySql database.</i>.</p></div>
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Revisi per 11 Januari 2021 03.23





Disusun Oleh :

: 1911422912

PROGRAM STUDI Sistem Informasi




Bidang Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi atau TIK, Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika atau Dinas KOMINFO Kota Tangerang merupakan unsur pelaksana urusan pemerintahan bidang komunikasi dan informatika, bidang persandian, dan bidang statistik yang dipimpin oleh Kepala Dinas yang berkedudukan di bawah dan bertanggung jawab kepada Walikota melalui Sekretaris Daerah. Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah atau SKPD tersebut mengurusi berbagai macam pengelolaan dan permasalahan terkait Teknologi Informasi layanan Datacenter dan Jaringan internet di lingkungan gedung pusat pemerintahan diantaranya mengelola layanan permintaan penambahan subdomain, permintaan akses VPN dan FTP/SFTP untuk akses server, hosting/colocation server dan layanan jaringan internet di lingkungan gedung pusat pemerintahan Kota Tangerang. Pada objek penelitian yang penulis lakukan, saat ini belum memiliki aplikasi layanan TIK yang menangani pengelolaan form permintaan dan laporan permasalahan layanan informasi datacenter dan jaringan internet. Karna pada bagian layanan yang ada masih menggunakan handphone dan menggunakan lembaran formulir pada setiap permintaan layanan dan jaringan internet, yang mengakibatkan data formulir dan laporan tidak terintegrasi sehingga helpdesk yang menangani memiliki berbagai keterbatas terutama untuk mencatat aktifitas layanan termasuk melakukan remainder informasi layanan tertentu yang sudah habis masa berlakunya kepada para pegawai SKPD sebagai pengguna layanan. Maka dari itu peneliti bermaksud membangun aplikasi sistem informasi Layanan TIK berbasis Customer Relationship Management yang dapat mengakomodir permintaan layanan dan keluhan karyawan dengan cepat dan juga tersimpan. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan di atas peneliti berencana membangun sistem aplikasi berbasis Web menggunakan bahasa pemrograman php dengan framework codeigniter dan menggunakan basis data MySql.

Kata Kunci : Rancang Bangun, Layanan TIK, php, codeigniter, MySql.


Communication and Information Technology or ICT, the Office of Communication and Information or the Office of KOMINFO of Tangerang City is an element implementing government affairs in the field of communication and information technology, coding and statistics, which is led by a Head of Service who is under and responsible to the Mayor through the Regional Secretary. The Regional Apparatus Work Unit or SKPD takes care of various kinds of management and problems related to Information Technology, Datacenter services and internet networks in the central government building environment, including managing service requests for additional subdomains, requests for VPN and FTP / SFTP access for server access, hosting / colocation servers and services. internet network in the central government building of Tangerang City. On the object of research that the authors do, currently do not have an ICT service application that handles the management of request forms and problem reports of datacenter information services and internet networks. Because the existing service department still uses cellphones and uses form sheets on every service request and internet network, which results in data forms and reports not being integrated so that the helpdesk who handles it has various limitations, especially for recording service activities including remainder of certain service information that has run out validity period for SKPD employees as service users. Therefore, the researcher intends to build an information system application for ICT Services based on Customer Relationship Management that can accommodate service requests and employee complaints quickly and also stored. To achieve the above objectives, the researcher plans to build a Web-based application system using the PHP programming language with a codeigniter framework and using the MySql database..

Keywords : Design, ICT Services, PHP, Codeigniter, MySql


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