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NIM : 1712499643


TA. 2021/2022



Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi, Form, Laporan Harian Produksi, UML.


CV. Citra Langgeng Cemerlang is a company engaged in steel plate processing production, industrial sector and component production in household appliances. The production daily control information system is currently running on a CV. Citra Langgeng Cemerlang still uses paper forms as media recorded by production operators, then processed and inputted by the admin section using Microsoft Excel. This system that is still semi-computerized, in the manufacture of production reports often cause several problems, namely admins who take a long time in making reports because they have to share production data one by one, production reports that do not match the results of production due to admin errors in the production report (human error) and also a storage area of data that is vulnerable to loss because the data is only stored in computer folders. In this regard, this research was conducted to create a web-based computerized daily production control information system. The data in this study was collected using the Observation, Interview and Literature Review methods. System development methods use waterfall methods, and analysis methods use PIECES analysis methods. The system design uses UML (Unified Modelling Language), which is implemented using a PHP programming language (Hypertext Preprocessor) with Sublime Text 3 and a database created on MySQL. Then the test is done using the Black Box Testing method. By proposing implementing a web-based computerized system to provide convenience in making production reports and minimize the occurrence of errors again in the creation of reports and provide up to date information.

Keywords: Information Systems, Form, Daily Reports of Production, UML.


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