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Baris 58: Baris 58:
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: justify;"><p style="line-height: 1">
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: justify;"><p style="line-height: 1">
''The process of attendance or attendance at SMK Global Tangerang is currently still using the conventional method using paper media. This research is intended to make a prototype of the attendance tool by using student cards as an attendance tool. Student cards are made with RFID Cards which are physically the same size as student cards that have been in schools and RFID Reader as a data reader from the RFID Card. The RFID Reader will be connected and processed by the Raspberry Pi 4 as well as a microcontroller. This system will be connected to the website to make it easier for staff and teachers in the RFID Card registration process and student verification process in class. From the test results, it can be seen that when the staff registers the student's RFID Card, the data will be stored on the RFID Card and will also be stored in the database and displayed on the website.''</p></div>
''PT. Zeelandia Indonesia is a company engaged in the Food Industry. Monitoring and information on the use of racking capacity is of course very necessary. In the process of placing finish good goods and raw material into racking, currently it is still being done by searching and traveling around first to find a location where the racking capacity is still empty and it takes a long time so that it can hinder the acceleration of performance. and the data collection of empty racking space is still done manually by going around directly to the location. In this solution, a rack monitoring application is designed that can inform the location and amount of racking space which then the information will reach the user via the communication network. Racking is modified by using a proximity sensor (Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04) which is installed on each racking then the proximity sensor will send data in the form of text that has been programmed. The value obtained in the form of text will then be saved to MySQL Server by Arduino Wemos via wireless network communication (wireless). The information obtained by the user is in the form of location data and the amount of filled and empty racking space so that it can simplify and speed up the process of placing goods into racking and making it easier to collect racking space.''</p></div>
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: left"><p style="line-height: 2">''Keyword:Tangerang Global Vocational High School, Precence, Cards, Technology, Systems''</p></div>
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: left"><p style="line-height: 2">''Keyword:Racking, Sensor Ultrasonic HC-SR04, Arduino Wemos''</p></div>
Baris 68: Baris 68:
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Revisi per 18 Januari 2021 14.28




Disusun Oleh :

NIM : 1431481928

NAMA : Muhamad Intang






TA. 2020/2021


PT. Zeelandia Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Food Industry. Monitoring dan informasi penggunaan kapasitas racking tentunya sangat diperlukan. Dalam proses meletakan barang-barang finish good dan raw material ke racking saat ini masih dilakukan denga cara mencari dan berkeliling dahulu untuk menemukan lokasi dimana kapasitas racking yang masih kosong dan itu membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama sehingga bisa menghambat percepatan kinerja. dan dalam pendataan space racking yang kosong pun masih dilakukan secara manual dengan berkeliling langsung kelokasi. Dalam solusi ini dirancang sebuah aplikasi rack monitoring yang dapat menginformasikan lokasi dan jumlah space racking yang kemudian informasi tersebut akan sampai kepada pengguna melalui jaringan komunikasi. Racking dimodifikasi dengan menggunakan sensor jarak (Sensor Ultrasonic HC-SR04) yang dipasang pada setiap racking kemudian sensor jarak akan mengirim data berupa teks yang sudah diprogram. Nilai yang diperoleh berupa teks kemudian akan disimpan ke MySQL Server oleh Arduino Wemos melalui komunikasi jaringan nirkabel (wireless). Informasi yang didapatkan oleh pengguna adalah berupa data lokasi dan jumlah space racking yang terisi dan kosong sehingga dapat mempermudah dan mempercepat dalam proses meletakan barang-barang ke racking dan mempermudah dalam pendatan space racking.

'Kata Kunci: Racking, Sensor Ultrasonic HC-SR04, Arduino Wemos'


PT. Zeelandia Indonesia is a company engaged in the Food Industry. Monitoring and information on the use of racking capacity is of course very necessary. In the process of placing finish good goods and raw material into racking, currently it is still being done by searching and traveling around first to find a location where the racking capacity is still empty and it takes a long time so that it can hinder the acceleration of performance. and the data collection of empty racking space is still done manually by going around directly to the location. In this solution, a rack monitoring application is designed that can inform the location and amount of racking space which then the information will reach the user via the communication network. Racking is modified by using a proximity sensor (Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04) which is installed on each racking then the proximity sensor will send data in the form of text that has been programmed. The value obtained in the form of text will then be saved to MySQL Server by Arduino Wemos via wireless network communication (wireless). The information obtained by the user is in the form of location data and the amount of filled and empty racking space so that it can simplify and speed up the process of placing goods into racking and making it easier to collect racking space.

Keyword:Racking, Sensor Ultrasonic HC-SR04, Arduino Wemos


[1] Hidayat, Wahyu, Fauzi Maaruf, Saeful Bahari. “Perancangan Media Video Desain Interior Sebagai Salah Satu Penunjang Promosi Dan Informasi Di PT. Wans Desain Group”. Jurnal CERITA Vol. 2 No. 1 – Februari 2016".


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