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To avoid confusion, in this translation the terms "Northmen" and "Norsemen" are everywhere employed.She shook her head.At her side, Thomas gripped her arm and pointed."I would not deny Neal his sword, but what proof have I that this man is a hero who perished five centuries ago? For all I know, this is some thieving wizard you found who has the expertise necessary to defeat these wards.The Elven pikemen pressed on, but their formation shifted subtly, with part of their central ranks holding back in a tighter knot.Before I left, I struck a deal with Festus and Childeric that allowed my people to set up camp on the other side of the Aur River.Vince slammed into me.Weyland sat on his backpack, his head hung low, resting.Despite reports of new Reithrese activity to the north, Sture continued in his preparations for the expedition.Fifty years will a lot of battles bring.

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