SI1833499661: Perbedaan revisi

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<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: justify"><p style="line-height: 1">Kata Kunci: Keamanan Ruangan, OpenCV, Raspberry Pi <i>camera</i> OV5647, Raspberry Pi 3.</p></div>
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: justify"><p style="line-height: 1">Kata Kunci : RFID, ESP32, Penyimpanan, Berkas.
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<div style="font-size: 14pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: center"><p style="line-height: 2">''ABSTRACT''</p></div>
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: justify"><p style="line-height: 2">''Archives are one of the most important and fundamental things in accountability of an administration in the management of bureaucracy both government and company. The development of technology increases very quickly along with the times. It encourages every human being, especially business as one of the information providers to continuously follow developments and take decisions to improve, develop, and update every information presented to support good service. Document management at PT. Nozomi Automotive Indonesia still uses manual methods, where employees still archive documents using document writing. The purpose of the study is to produce a prototype file storage system at PT. Nozomi Automotive Indonesia by creating a database.  The benefit of making this file storage is that it can meet the needs of document data management at PT. Nozomi Automotive Indonesia effectively and efficiently. Therefore, a file storage system is needed whose purpose is to prevent the occurrence of important file loss can be found some weaknesses in file storage in PT. Nozomi Automotive Indonesia, which is a file or document that always enters and exits, still uses handwritten without any special storage system. Therefore, in this study made a Prototype Of ESP32-Based File Storage System at PT. Nozomi Automotive Indonesia in order to prevent loss.
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: justify"><p style="line-height: 1">''Keywords: RFID, ESP32, Storage, Files.

Revisi per 12 Januari 2022 14.20




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: 1833499661








Arsip merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat penting dan fundamental dalam pertanggung jawaban sebuah administrasi dalam pengelolaan birokrasi baik pemerintah maupun perusahaan. Perkembangan teknologi meningkat sangat cepat seiring dengan perkembangan zaman. Hal itu mendorong setiap manusia terutama tata usaha sebagai salah satu penyedia informasi untuk terus menerus mengikuti perkembangan dan mengambil keputusan untuk meningkatkan, mengembangkan, dan memperbaharui setiap informasi yang disajikan untuk menunjang pelayanan yang baik. Pengelolaan dokumen pada PT. Nozomi Otomotif Indonesia masih menggunakan cara manual, dimana karyawan masih mengarsipkan dokumen menggunakan menulis dokumen.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menghasilkan sebuah prototype sistem penyimpanan berkas pada PT. Nozomi Otomotif Indonesia dengan membuat database. Manfaat dari pembuatan penyimpanan berkas ini adalah dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pengelolaan data dokumen pada PT. Nozomi Otomotif Indonesia secara efektif dan efisien. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan suatu sistem penyimpanan berkas yang tujuannya untuk mencegah terjadinya kehilangan berkas penting dapat ditemukan beberapa kelemahan pada penyimpanan berkas di PT. Nozomi Otomotif Indonesia, yaitu berkas atau dokumen yang selalu masuk dan keluar masih menggunakan tulis tangan tanpa ada sistem penyimpanan khusus. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini membuat Prototype Sistem Penyimpanan Berkas Berbasis ESP32 Pada PT. Nozomi Otomotif Indonesia agar dapat mencegah kehilangan.

Kata Kunci : RFID, ESP32, Penyimpanan, Berkas.

<p style="line-height: 2">ABSTRACT</p>
<p style="line-height: 2">Archives are one of the most important and fundamental things in accountability of an administration in the management of bureaucracy both government and company. The development of technology increases very quickly along with the times. It encourages every human being, especially business as one of the information providers to continuously follow developments and take decisions to improve, develop, and update every information presented to support good service. Document management at PT. Nozomi Automotive Indonesia still uses manual methods, where employees still archive documents using document writing. The purpose of the study is to produce a prototype file storage system at PT. Nozomi Automotive Indonesia by creating a database. The benefit of making this file storage is that it can meet the needs of document data management at PT. Nozomi Automotive Indonesia effectively and efficiently. Therefore, a file storage system is needed whose purpose is to prevent the occurrence of important file loss can be found some weaknesses in file storage in PT. Nozomi Automotive Indonesia, which is a file or document that always enters and exits, still uses handwritten without any special storage system. Therefore, in this study made a Prototype Of ESP32-Based File Storage System at PT. Nozomi Automotive Indonesia in order to prevent loss. </p>

<p style="line-height: 1">Keywords: RFID, ESP32, Storage, Files. </p>


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