Reymund Rahardja

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Reymund Rahardja atau lebih popular dengan panggilan Reymund atau lahir di Tanggerang, tanggal 22-11. R® merupakan Putra Bungsu dari pasangan Dr. Ir. Untung Rahardja, M.T.I.,MM dan Qurotul Aini, S.Kom., M.T.I"

Background Information R®

Nama Lengkap:Reymund Rahardja.
Tempat Lahir:Tangerang
Tanggal Lahir:22-11
Asal Negara:Indonesia
Hobby:Bobo Ganteng, Minum Susu, Swimming, Membaca Buku
Alamat Rumah:Jl. Raya Taman Golf DG 2/66
Alamat Kantor:Jl. Jend. Sudirman No, 40 Modern – Cikokol Tangerang 15117, Indonesia

Rutinitas R®

Buku yang R® Baca

Video yang R® Tonton

  1. Three Little Kittens - Awesome Educational Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids
  2. The Wheels on the Bus - Super Educational Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids
  3. Ten in a Bed - Super Educational Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids
  4. Sleeping Bunnies - Lovely Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids
  5. Peek a Boo Song | +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - ABCkidTV
  6. One, Two, Buckle My Shoe - THE BEST Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids
  7. One Little Finger - Amazing Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids
  8. No No Bedtime Song | + More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - ABCkidTV
  9. Miss Polly Had a Dolly - Amazing Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids
  10. Johny Johny Yes Papa - Great Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids
  11. Incy Wincy Spider - Learn English with Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids
  12. If You're Happy And You Know It - THE BEST Nursery Rhymes and Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids
  13. Five Little Ducks - THE BEST Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids
  14. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep - THE BEST Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids
  15. Are You Sleeping (Brother John)? - Amazing Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids