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Revisi terkini pada 14 Maret 2016 05.39


Al-Bahra Bin Ladjamudin lahir di Jakarta, tanggal 2 Maret 1971. Panggilan singkatnya AlBahra.

AlBahra adalah Sarjana Komputer dari STMIK Gunadarma lulusan tahun 1994; dan Magister lulusan STTI Benarif Indonesia tahun 2003. Saat ini AlBahra sedang menempuh pendidikan S3 di Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ).

Personal Data

Name : Al-Bahra bin Ladjamuddin.B (Al-Bahra.LB)

Sex : Man

Place/Date of Birth : Jakarta, March 2nd, 1971

Religion : Moslem

Address : Jl. Lestari-2 Blok J08/74, Graha Lestari Citra Raya, Cikupa, Tangerang-Banten

Phone : 0852-1313-8613; 021-34644859

E-Mail : [email protected]

Academic Positions : Associate Professor (820 Credit Point), Registered on February 1st, 2008 Educator's Certificate Number : 081167511496 Registered on October 1st, 2008

NIRA(Parent Registration Assessors Number): 990811675114960382, Registered on October 1st, 2010

Teaching at University Since : April 1st, 1994

Formal Education

1 Doctoral Degrees (S3) Educational Technology 2009 State University Of Jakarta

2 Master's Degree Computer (S2) Information Technology 2001-2003 STTI Benarif Indonesia

3 Bachelor Of Computing (S1) Information Management 1989-1994 STMIK Gunadarma

Work Experiences

(Educational dan Teaching Field /Bidang Pendidikan dan Pengajaran dalam Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi)

1 1990 - 1994 PT. Gemala Group, Jakarta Administration Staff at PPC Departement

2 1994 - 1998 PT. Gemala Group, Jakarta Administration Staff at Engineering Departement

3 1994 - 2000 Economic Faculty of As-Syafi’iyah Islamic University Lecturer

4 1999 - 2001 STMIK Muhammadiyah Jakarta Head of Computer Laboratory

5 2000 - 2001 STMIK Muhammadiyah Jakarta Head of Information Management’s Program Study

6 2000 - 2001 STMIK Rosma, Karawang Head of Information System’s Program Study

7 2000 - 2001 Pramita Technology High School, Tangerang Lecturer

8 2000 - 2004 STMIK/AMIK Serang, Serang Lecturer

9 2001 – 2003 AMIK Raharja, Tangerang 1st Vice Director

10 2001 - 2003 STMIK Raharja, Tangerang 1st Vice Chairman

11 2002 up to now STMIK Raharja, Tangerang Lecturer

12 2002- 2010 STMIK Buddhi, Tangerang Lecturer

13 2006- 2009 Information Technology High School of I-Tech, Jakarta Head of Informatioan Technology’s Program Study

14 2002- 2011 Technology Faculty of Mercu Buana University Lecturer

15 2003 up to now STMIK /AMIK Masa Depan Lecturer

16 2004 - 2006 STMIK/AMIK PGRI, Tangerang Lecturer

17 2005 - 2010 Technology and Science Faculty of Natioanal University Lecturer

18 2005- 2010 Computer Science Faculty of Bunda Mulia University Lecturer

19 2008 Technology Faculty of Syekh Yusuf’s Moslem University Lecturer

20 2013 Technology Faculty of UHAMKA Lecturer

21 2011 up to now Bandung Technology High School, Bandung Head of LP3M

22 2009-2012 STIKes Abdi Nusantara Head of LP3M

23 2009-2011 AKBID Pelita Persada Jakarta Head of LP3M

24 2013 Postgraduate (MM) of IGI University Lecturer of Strategic Management

Books' Author Published in the College

(Educational dan Teaching Field /Bidang Pendidikan dan Pengajaran dalam Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi)

1 Practical English Usage, Special for Student in IT Program, AMIK Raharja Informatika, Al-Bahra, 200p, ISBN 979–9629–14–9, 2001

2 Metode Perancangan Program (Structured Programming), Perguruan Tinggi Raharja, Al-Bahra, 400p ,ISBN 979-3796-00-6, 2004

3 Organisasi & Arsitektur Komputer, STMIK Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Al-Bahra, 500p, ISBN 99436-979-0-4, 2005

4 Teknik Pemrograman, STMIK Banten Jaya, Al-Bahra, 400p, ISBN 15152-979-2-0, 2006

5 Programming C++, STMIK Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Al-Bahra, 350p ISBN 15152-979-0-4, 2006

6 Algorithma & Pemrograman, STMIK Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Al-Bahra, 250p Process of ISBN, 2013

7 Pengantar Teknologi Informasi, STMIK Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Al-Bahra, 500p Process of ISBN, 2013

Books' Author Published to the public, can be found in Book Stores

(Educational dan Teaching Field /Bidang Pendidikan dan Pengajaran dalam Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi)

1 Konsep Sistem Basis Data & Implementasinya Graha Ilmu Al-Bahra 250 979-3289-66-X 2004

2 Analisis & Desain Sistem Informasi Graha Ilmu Al-Bahra 500 979-756-038-8 2005

3 Rekayasa Piranti Lunak Graha Ilmu Al-Bahra 490 979-830-115-8 2006

4 Konsep Sistem Informasi Graha Ilmu Al-Bahra 400 The Process Of ISBN 2013

5 Tip dan Trik Merancang Program Graha Ilmu Al-Bahra 400 The Process Of ISBN 2013

6 Pengantar Organisasi Sistem Komputer Banten Province Education Office Al-Bahra 500 The Process Of ISBN 2013

7 Sistem Informasi Berbasis Komputer Graha Ilmu Al-Bahra 400 The Process Of ISBN 2013

Religious Books and Articles of Da'wah

(Field Service Community/Bidang Pengabdian pada Masyarakat dalam Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi)

1 Panduan Yaa Siin & Tahlil Modern (Buku-1) di Lengkapi dengan Pelaksanaan Janaiz, Panduan Aqiqah, Marhaban, dan Kajian Kewanitaan, STTI I-Tech, Jakarta Ust. Al-Bahra 400 978-979-9538-00-9 2008

2 Penjelasan (Tafsir) Surat Yaa Siin; Panduan Yaa Siin dan Tahlil Modern (Buku-2) STMIK Muhammadiyah Jakarta Ust. Al-Bahra 400 978-979-15869-2-4 2009

3 Kumpulan Tausiyah Ramadhon dan Khutbah ' Ied Ust. Al-Bahra UHAMKA Ust. Al-Bahra 200 Processing ISBN 2013

4 Kumpulan Tausiyah Ust. Al-Bahra UHAMKA Ust. Al-Bahra 300 Processing ISBN 2013

5 Da'wah Gazette [Bulletin Jum’at] Nurul Hidayah, web site: Yayasan Al-Hikma Citra Raya, Ust. Al-Bahra Published every Friday ISSN: 0706-2128 2007 till now (There are more than 300 topics)

Research Reports published by The COLLEGE AS An ACADEMIC REFERENCE BOOK

(Listed In The NATIONAL LIBRARY) (Area Of Research/Bidang Penelitian dalam Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi)

1 The Development Of Information Systems College Raharja (Based Information Engineering) Al-Bahra STMIK Banten Jaya 15152-979-5-5 2005

2 Expert system for detecting diseases of ENT (using PHP and Java Script Programming) Al-Bahra STMIK Banten Jaya 15152-979-3-9 2006

3 Expert System To Detect Diseases Of The Upper Respiratory Tract (Use VB Script Programming) Al-Bahra STMIK Banten Jaya 15152-979-4-7 2006

Study Literature Reports published in The SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL

(Which Has An INTERNATIONAL STANDARD SERIAL NUMBER [ISSN], And ENROLLED In The INSTITUTE Of SCIENCES Of INDONESIA [LIPI]) (Area Of Research/Bidang Penelitian dalam Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi). They Have Been Published in The Scientific Journal Such :

1. Informatika (Scientific Journal of STMIK Muhammadiyah Jakarta)

2. Farmakologi (Scientific Journal of Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Muhammadiyah, Tangerang)

3. JI-Tech (Scientific Journal of STTI I-Tech, Jakarta)

4. Future Tech (Scientific Journal of STMIK Masa Depan, Tangerang)

5. Teknologi Mutu (Scientific Journal of STTM Muhammadiyah, Tangerang)

6. Kesehatan Komuniatas (National Scientific Journal of STIKes Abdi Nusantara)

7. RESIK (National Scientific Journal of STIKes Abdi Nusantara)

8. Obstetri (Scientific Journal of Academy of Obstetrics Midwifery Courses/AKBID Al-Fathonah)

9. Sistem Informasi Reproduksi (Scientific Journal of Academy of Obstetrics Midwifery Courses/AKBID Bhinneka Jakarta Satu)

10. Persalinan (Scientific Journal of Academy of Obstetrics Midwifery Courses/AKBID Farama Mulya)

11. Gynekologi (Scientific Journal of Academy of Obstetrics Midwifery Courses/AKBID Pelita Persada Jakarta)

12. Neonatus (Scientific Journal of STIKes Bhakti Pertiwi Indonesia)

13. Kesehatan Masyarakat (Scientific Journal of Akademi Perawat Harum)

14. Kesehatan & Kebidanan (Scientific Journal of STIKes Mitra RIA Husada)

15. Bidan (Scientific Journal of Politeknik Karya Husada Jakarta)

16. Parameter (Scientific Journal of STIE Tribuana, Bekasi)

17. Asuhan Kebidanan (Scientific Journal of Academy of Obstetrics Midwifery Courses/AKBID Widya Karsa Jayakarta, Jakarta)

18. ANIMASI (Scientific Journal of STMIK Muhammadiyah Banten)

19. CYBER (National Scientific Journal of Yayasan Pendidikan Dharma Wacana, Metro, Lampung)

20. Future Bus (National Scientific Journal of STMIK Dharma Wacana, Metro, Lampung)

21. Otomasi (National Scientific Journal in Industrial Engineering of STT Bandung)

22. Robotika (National Scientific Journal in Information Technology of STT Bandung)

23. Komunitas Perawat (Scientific Journal of Akademi Perawat Antarikasa Jakarta)

24. Intervensi Keperawatan (Scientific Journal of D3 Keperawatan-Politeknik Karya Husada)


(Supporting Activities Tridarma College/Bidang Penunjang Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi dalam Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi)

1. AMIK 0000 = Information Management Courses (D3)

2. STTI 0000 = Information Technology (S1) and Information Systems (Bachelor)

3. STMIK 0000 = Information Courses (S1) and Information Systems (Bachelor)

4. STT 0000 = Industrial engineering Courses (S1) and Engineering Physics (Undergraduate)

5. STIKes 0000 = Midwifery Courses (D3) and Nursing (D3)

6. Academy of Obstetrics Midwifery Courses = 0000 (D3)

7. STT 0000 = Industrial Engineering Courses (S1) and Information Engineering (S1)

As Chief Editor and Member of Scientific Journals

(Supporting Activities Tridarma College/Bidang Penunjang Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi dalam Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi)

1. Informatika (Scientific Journal of STMIK Muhammadiyah Jakarta)

2. Farmakologi (Scientific Journal of Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Muhammadiyah, Tangerang)

3. JI-Tech (Scientific Journal of STTI I-Tech, Jakarta)

4. Future Tech (Scientific Journal of STMIK Masa Depan, Tangerang)

5. Teknologi Mutu (Scientific Journal of STTM Muhammadiyah, Tangerang)

6. Kesehatan Komuniatas (National Scientific Journal of STIKes Abdi Nusantara)

7. RESIK (National Scientific Journal of STIKes Abdi Nusantara)

8. Obstetri (Scientific Journal of Academy of Obstetrics Midwifery Courses/AKBID Al-Fathonah)

9. Sistem Informasi Reproduksi (Scientific Journal of Academy of Obstetrics Midwifery Courses/AKBID Bhinneka Jakarta Satu)

10. Persalinan (Scientific Journal of Academy of Obstetrics Midwifery Courses/AKBID Farama Mulya)

11. Gynekologi (Scientific Journal of Academy of Obstetrics Midwifery Courses/AKBID Pelita Persada Jakarta)

12. Neonatus (Scientific Journal of STIKes Bhakti Pertiwi Indonesia)

13. Kesehatan Masyarakat (Scientific Journal of Akademi Perawat Harum)

14. Kesehatan & Kebidanan (Scientific Journal of STIKes Mitra RIA Husada)

15. Bidan (Scientific Journal of Politeknik Karya Husada Jakarta)

16. Parameter (Scientific Journal of STIE Tribuana, Bekasi)

17. Asuhan Kebidanan (Scientific Journal of Academy of Obstetrics Midwifery Courses/AKBID Widya Karsa Jayakarta, Jakarta)

18. ANIMASI (Scientific Journal of STMIK Muhammadiyah Banten)

19. CYBER (National Scientific Journal of Yayasan Pendidikan Dharma Wacana, Metro, Lampung)

20. Future Bus (National Scientific Journal of STMIK Dharma Wacana, Metro, Lampung)

21. Otomasi (National Scientific Journal in Industrial Engineering of STT Bandung)

22. Robotika (National Scientific Journal in Information Technology of STT Bandung)

23. Komunitas Perawat (Scientific Journal of Akademi Perawat Antarikasa Jakarta)

24. Intervensi Keperawatan (Scientific Journal of D3 Keperawatan-Politeknik Karya Husada)

Thus the history list this life I've made with real to be used properly.

Tangerang, May 21st, 2013 Your Faithfully

Al-Bahra. LB