Awliya Mustaqarran: Perbedaan revisi

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Baris 49: Baris 49:
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: justify">
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: justify">
<p style="line-height: 2"><i>Kata kunci: Informasi, Sistem Informasi, Human Resource Devlopment, Analisa, UML, PIECES, CodeIgniter</i></p></div>
<p style="line-height: 2"><i>Kata kunci: CodeIgniter, Human Resource Devlopment, PIECES, Sistem Informasi, UML.</i></p></div>
<div style="font-size: 14pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: center"><p style="line-height: 2">'''ABSTRACT'''</p></div>
<div style="font-size: 14pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: center"><p style="line-height: 2">'''ABSTRACT'''</p></div>
Baris 55: Baris 55:
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: justify">
<div style="font-size: 12pt;font-family: 'times new roman';text-align: justify">
<p style="line-height: 2">''Keyword: Information, Information Systems, Human resources, Analysis, UML, PIECES </p></div>
<p style="line-height: 2">''Keyword: CodeIgniter, Information Systems, Human Resources Devlopment,   PIECES, UML.</p></div>

Revisi per 25 September 2022 12.13





Disusun Oleh :

: 1711499940
: Awliya Mustaqarran








Human Resource Devlopment atau HRD merupakan tombak penting perusahaan demi mengelola laju sumberdaya, dalam praktiknya tentu berkaitan erat dengan informasi guna menunjang pengambilan keputusan. Pada observasi yang dilakukan, ditemukan kekurangan dalam sistem kerja HRD dimana proses input data masih bergantung pada program MS.Office berupa Excel, sehingga informasi yang dikelola tidak efektif. Sebagaimana permasalahan yang ditemui, tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa kerja HRD dalam memonitor kinerja karyawan berupa absensi dan tugas serta administrasi gaji. Data karyawan yang akan dikaji berupa data ketepatan waktu kehadiran maupun kinerja karyawan lalu kemudian administrasi gaji berupa pencatatan gaji karyawan berdasarkan kriteria baik jabatan, bonus, maupun pemotongan yang kemudian akan dibuat perancangan Human Resource Information System dari hasil analisa data tersebut. Pada penulisan Skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian PIECES dan UML (Unified Modeling Language) . Untuk perancangan sistem menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan framework CodeIgniter. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah sistem pengolahan data karyawan yang dapat mengatur dan memberikan informasi yang lebih cepat dan mudah. Informasi tersebut mencakup data karyawan, absensi, tugas, gaji karyawan.

Kata kunci: CodeIgniter, Human Resource Devlopment, PIECES, Sistem Informasi, UML.


Human Resources Devlopment or HRD is an important company spearhead in order to manage the pace of resources, in practice it is certainly closely related to information to support decision making. In the observations made, it was found that there were deficiencies in the HRD work system where the data input process still depended on the MS.Office program in the form of Excel, so that the information managed was ineffective. As the problems encountered, the purpose of this study is to analyze the work of HRD in monitoring employee performance in the form of absenteeism and duties as well as salary administration. The employee data that will be studied is in the form of data on timeliness of attendance and employee performance and then salary administration in the form of recording employee salaries based on criteria for positions, bonuses, and deductions which will then be made a prototype of the Human Resource Information System from the results of the data analysis. In writing this thesis using the research method PIECES and UML (Unified Modeling Language). To design the system using the PHP programming language with the CodeIgniter framework. This research resulted in an employee data processing system that can organize and provide information more quickly and easily. The information includes employee data, attendance, duties, employee salaries.

Keyword: CodeIgniter, Information Systems, Human Resources Devlopment, PIECES, UML.


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